These procedures are carried out with a laser. They are minimally invasive and low on the pain spectrum. Usually we apply local anaesthetic. That means that we numb the area that will be treated. After your treatment, you may experience some slight tingling or prickling pain. This is completely normal, will pass quickly and can be treated with normal pain relievers.
Gum lifts are among the safest procedures in aesthetic medicine and the complications and risks are extremely low. At bestsmile, only highly trained dentists carry out gum or frenulum corrections. They will tell you everything you need to know about the treatment.
What do I need to watch out for following the treatment?
Your teeth and gums may be somewhat sensitive after treatment, and you could experience slight swelling. You should therefore avoid hot and spicy food directly following the procedure. Smoking and alcohol can also disrupt the healing process, so we recommend waiting at least one week before smoking or drinking again. We advise using a manual toothbrush and avoiding strong mouthwashes right after treatment to minimize unnecessary pressure or any risk of injury.
After a gum lift, you'll come to our practice for a follow-up appointment. Usually your teeth and gums will be completely healed up again after a week, at which point you no longer need to follow any special care instructions.